Process Improvement
The PJH engineering team has a vast knowledge base to apply to all areas of manufacturing in order to optimise the process. From quality improvement and reduced rejects to improved productivity and process flow our team is here to help you achieve improved performance and a lower cost base.

Our service in this field could be a simple feasibility study, hardware specifying or through to the implementation of a fully resourced turn-key engineering solution.

Our recent work has includes semi and fully automated processes, mechanical handling systems, ergonomics, SMED, robot handling, process and product control, line integration, steady state operation techniques etc.

Examples of recent work include:
  • Redesign a turbine blisk (bladed disk) for both commercial and technical advantage
  • Redesign an automotive stub axle to improve material yields
  • Benchmarking within metal forming companies for operational and cost benefit
  • Conversion of machined components to precision forgings for the construction industry
  • Feasibility study on productivity increase through hot tool change (900 C) for the manufacture of aerospace components